US Voter List Information: A Service of the ShadowsocksR/SSR windows客户端配置教程 - 网络跳越:2021-5-20 · 本文详细介绍了ShadowsocksR/SSR windows客户端的配置过程,希望能帮到用SSR科学上网的网友。如果配置成功后依然无法上外网,请参考 PC端科学上网常见问题。其他问题,请在页面留言,或发邮件联系本人。 Under the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA), all 50 states (and DC) are required to create a electronic central voter file. However, the content and availability across the states vary dramatically. This site is designed to be a resource for researchers, non-profits, parties, and civic-minded individuals interested in acquiring voter file data. Its purpose is to act as a central hub for information regarding the files' format, price, and availability. shadowrocket订阅更新方法This site does NOT offer the voter data for purchase. However, it does provide the forms and/or means for interested parties to purchase the data themselves. The following information is provided by each state by clicking on the state of interest in the map above or using the States tab.
All images used on this site are either derived or directly sourced from Wikimedia Commons. The information regarding voter files provided here was last updated 8/22/2015. While we have made a best attempt to obtain correct information, state election officials are ultimately the providers of these data. Please contact the appropriate state election officials for voter files' format, price, and availability. The data collection was funded in part by the University of Florida and the National Institute for Money in State Politics. Graduate Research Assistants Peter Licari and Lia Merivaki assisted Dr. McDonald in data collection.